Male And Female Betta

Platy lover

Oct 21, 2011
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I bought a female crowntail for my male halfmoon and I was wondering when the best time to release her? She isn't filled up with eggs yet.
How long have you had her, have you conditioned both her & the male?
How long have you had her, have you conditioned both her & the male?

I got her today and I put her in a breeding trap so the male doesn't attack her. Its a 29 gallon and the male is flaring at her
First of all you haven't even given her time to settle in after brining her home
Putting her in a trap next to the male will stress her out, she'd be better in her own tank for a while.
You need to condition them both for a couple of weeks with live food before you put them together.
Have you enough space to individually house all the male fry you might get, could be 20/30 or more.
If I were you I'd do a lot of research before you even think about breeding
First of all you haven't even given her time to settle in after brining her home
Putting her in a trap next to the male will stress her out, she'd be better in her own tank for a while.
You need to condition them both for a couple of weeks with live food before you put them together.
Have you enough space to individually house all the male fry you might get, could be 20/30 or more.
If I were you I'd do a lot of research before you even think about breeding
I have a 10 gallon I bought a few weeks ago and I put her in it to de stress her
You need to condition them for atleast 2 weeks before you think of breeding them

If there's any other fish in the tank they're unlikely to breed.

Breeding bettas takes a lot of time and effort, you can't just chuck a male and female together and expect to have hundreds of fry in no time. : -)
I didn't know about your tank issues, even more reason not to jump into breeding so quickly
Take your time, do loads of research, then do some more research, ask questions, people here are only too happy to help
I didn't know about your tank issues, even more reason not to jump into breeding so quickly
Take your time, do loads of research, then do some more research, ask questions, people here are only too happy to help
They are seperated and now he is king of the aquarium again, lol
first of all, your fish probably haven't been adequately conditioned. Second of all, if you are having problems with your water, be sure it is at a healthy, steady level before you even begin thinking about breeding them.

Do you research, be prepared, know what your doing. Bettas have thousands of fry per spawn, be sure you have the time and resources to care for and re-home all of them. You may even have to take into consideration culling some of the fry.

Please, for the love of all things good for your fish, do your research and be prepared!!!!
A serious problem when breeding even a few hundred betta fry is that each male must be isolated to a water system all his own. Unless you are set up to do hundreds of daily water changes on all of your jars, ther fry will not survive long enough to sell them off or give them away. If you are not up on your genetics, you may well breed a fry that nobody wants. The last thing we need in the hobby is more bettas that nobody wants.
A serious problem when breeding even a few hundred betta fry is that each male must be isolated to a water system all his own. Unless you are set up to do hundreds of daily water changes on all of your jars, ther fry will not survive long enough to sell them off or give them away. If you are not up on your genetics, you may well breed a fry that nobody wants. The last thing we need in the hobby is more bettas that nobody wants.
Yeah, I just gave up on the idea and have her in her own little happy place

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