Fish Fanatic
Hey everyone! I've been gone for the forum for about a year and recently came back about 3 days ago (I've been posting around and in and out of chat) But I forgot that I never really announced (I guess?) That I'm back! Here's what happened:
I just felt it was necessary to post about this topic and hopefully comfort people that have felt like me, good to be back!
About a year ago I had a major tank disaster that ended up killing about 7 or 8 fish. I took a break from fish keeping because I was petrified of harming anymore fish.
Today however, I've came to the conclusion that making mistakes is totally natural! I have to go through a bad experience to learn from it. Therefore, I won't be so hard on myself if it unfortunately does result in more fish deaths (Which in the end it will.) So for people like me that are really paranoid that you're doing something wrong, breathe. You'll be okay, I promise! Again making mistakes is natural and you're not a bad fish owner if a couple of fish don't make it. That was a mistake, now go and learn from it. Everyone's nervous the first time around, it's okay!
I just felt it was necessary to post about this topic and hopefully comfort people that have felt like me, good to be back!