Lyretail Swordtail Help!


New Member
Feb 5, 2012
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i have tried mating lyretail swordtails for months and months now. i know the only way to breed lyretail swords is to mate a female lyre to a normal finned male. that way you get a ratio of approx 50% lyres and 50% normal fins. i have bought many lyretail females over the months at at $6.99 each at my lfs it quickly gets costly lol. now i put them in a 29 gallon tank each time, with 1 normal finned male..he never even attempts to court them, let alone try to mate them. i want to breed and raise a batch of lyretail swords and since i keep getting rid of a male that doesnt court them and replacing with a new male over n over with no results im stumped as to why each male wont mate with the lyre females almost as if he thinks there an "alien" fish to him lol. any suggestions on how to get a normal fin male to mate a female lyretail?? i have this beauty all white female lyretail and i want her to get preg by any normal fin male as i think she wud generate some beauty offspring!!.
Try have a few males... They like to show each other who is boss! Mine seem to just go crazy and follow and do the deed lol. More you have the more chances of breeding!

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