Lyretail Molly Fry


Mostly New Member
Aug 18, 2015
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Hi, I am relatively new to the fish world.  Five weeks ago my lyretail dalmatian molly gave birth during the night and in the morning only one of the babies was left.  We rescued it and it is very neat to watch as it seems to be a new colour every week.  The father was a dalmatian molly as well but not a lyretail.  My question is if the baby had the lyretail would it show right away or is it something that develops as it grows because right now its tail looks like a regular molly tail?  Thanks for any help!
It will develop as it grows, but usually shows up about 4 months in. So you've got a little wait ahead of you. You might be able to see signs of it before then, like the bottom or top of the tail starting to thicken, or a teeny tiny little point forming.

And since Lyretail is dominant, the normal molly has no genes for it, meaning IF the lyretail is heterozygous (one dominant, one recessive gene) then 50% of the fry will not have the tail. If the lyretail is homozygous (two dominant genes) then all of the fry will have it.

But you can't really find out if it's one or two dominant genes in the mother unless and until she has normal babies.
You're welcome. If you don't understand the part about genetics (I can confuse people), I can draw the Punnett square.
Ltygress said:
You're welcome. If you don't understand the part about genetics (I can confuse people), I can draw the Punnett square.
I dare you!   :p

Since Lyretail is a dominate gene, it will show up as long as it is present. It is represented with a capital L. The normal gene is shown as a lower-case l, because it is recessive and only "shows up" if NO dominant lyretail gene is present at all.
eaglesaquarium said:
You're welcome. If you don't understand the part about genetics (I can confuse people), I can draw the Punnett square.
I dare you!  

Yes, I did that... lol!
I got lost at the punnet square thingy..

I will just stick to waiting 4mths.. hahaha
Ltygress said:
You're welcome. If you don't understand the part about genetics (I can confuse people), I can draw the Punnett square.
I dare you!   :p
Yes, I did that... lol!

Takes me back to undergrad and high school days.

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