Lump On Cory Left Pectoral Fin


Fish Crazy
Aug 28, 2013
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Hey guys.
I started treating my tank 3 days ago as my Female Krib had what I believed was White Spot/ich on her face. This does seem to be clearing up now however she will be left with a mark now I think :(
But today I was checking everything over and noticed my Schwartzi Corydoras has a big lump on it's pectoral fin, I am hoping that the treatment I have already added to the tank will combat this but I wanted to check with you guys first.
All my water Parameters are fine and I did a WC about 4 days ago of about 50%.
I have attached a picture below for viewing.
The spots on the krib were they the size of grain of salt?
The cory lump on the fins. Does it feel hard. Or does it look soft like it's filled with fluid?
What colour is the lump?
Did the lump just suddenly appear?
Does the lump have a smooth surface?
Does the lump look like a cluster of berries, or a cauliflower?
Does the lump look like it's about ready to burst.
Does the lump have any redness to it. On the outside of the lump or centre of lump?
Need to rule out lymthocystis.
Sorry for all the questions but they do hope to establish what going on.
The krib had what looked like two white spots about the size of a grain of salt.

The lump looks like it's soft and ready to burst. It almost looks like a blister in a way, it's all smooth can't see any redness it's a greyish colour
I would isolate the cory bless him as if it's bursts it can infect the tank water.
It could be viral which is lymthocystis or bacterial.
Lymthocystis lump can be grey, white, red, brown in colour.
They can look smooth, look like a cluster of eggs, or resemble a cauliflower in appearance.
Once he in isolation I would think about adding anti internal bacteria medication by interpet.
What do you feed them? Corys can get fatty lumps if fed too much high protein food.
I have specific food for them, can't remember what it is off the top of my head but think it's algae wafers but small ones. They also eat the algae wafer I have for my plec.
I don't have another tank I can place him in and the one he is in is currently being treated so don't want to remove him from this treatment and then start new.
Update - and unfortunately not a good one :(
Came home today and managed to get a good look at my Kribs face, it would appear that whatever this is has pretty much put a hole in her face :(
She is very inactive, not eating and "panting" as such, looks like her time might be coming to an end :( However I don't like seeing her suffer so not sure what to do now, let nature take it's course or end the suffering (a very touchy subject I know).
I am absolutely gutted this has happened as she was so colourful and she had paired with my male 
Poor thing. Is the rest of the face being eaten away also?
I would end the fish suffering. Sorry. Had to do it myself at times and I do know how hard it is.
So upsetting.

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