Low Tech Iwamugi?


Fish Addict
Aug 29, 2013
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I was wondering if I can do low tech iwamugi in my tank. I dont have the best lighting, I have an 18 watt fluorescent light fixture on a 15g tank, 12 inches deep (36 cm). I use osmocote root tabs, except right now I have a "Crimson Root Tab" In there as I got it free from a site.
The plants I have are dwarf sag, which is thriving, pygmy chainswords broadleaf, which are also thriving, and jungle  val, which is also doing great, but melting a bit. I also have a moss ball, random java moss, and a plant who is melted away, but near a root tab for a few more weeks until it gets bigger. The last plant I have is one tiny little narrow leaf pygmy chainsword, as it was sent to me free as well.
I was wondering if with these plants I could start a low tech setup, and eventually start dosing small amount of liquid co2, and then eventually a full dose, because I know vals are sensitive to it.
The stocking of the tank right now is a betta, but within these next few months (hopefully by August) I will be adding nine Salt and Pepper Cories (Corydoras Habrosus), and 2 zebra nerite snails.
I have a few options for rocks. One is to have only a few rocks, of the kind I have in there now, which are these grey and white ones, but aren't granite rocks, and the second option is a few different kinds of rocks from my yard, formal small piles in some places and a single rock in the other.
I know it wont be the best scape, as the plants havent grown in yet but once the dwarf sag starts sending out new plants and it grows in I think it will look cool.
I know that was a lot to take in for a basic question, but, can I do it? And which would look better do you think?

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