cutie mcwhiskers
Fish Fanatic
Hi, I need a little help with the ph of my tanks. It`s a bit of a long one I`m afraid but any help would be much appreciated.
I have a juwel trigon 190, it was set up in 2005 as a community tank. A couple of years ago we lost most of the fish to a fungus infection and was left with only 7 rummynose tetra. It stayed just the 7 fish until recently as I never seemed to have time to get more. So a few weeks ago I decided to get my head on and re stock the tank, I bought a new test kit (API master test kit) and checked everything was ok and it was, ammonia and nitrite 0ppm and nitrate 5ppm. We got 4 bronze corys and 4 more rummynose tetra. Within the first week all the corys died but the rummys seemed ok, tested the water and everything was the same although nitrates looked closer to 10ppm. At this point I also checked the ph and found it to be 6 which is the lowest reading on the scale so its possible it could be lower. I tested the tap water (after leaving to sit for 24hrs) and it is ph6.4
I then got the tetra ph test kit which goes down to ph5. With this test kit it only tells you if its ph5 (light yellow) or ph6 (light green) the result was more of a deeper yellow but closer to ph5 than 6.
Now when I first set this tank up I recorded the test results weekly and found them in a pile of bits under the tank so in 2005 the ph values were 6.8-7.2 and the tap water was ph7.2. I had also tested the Kh and Gh and found them to be
I have a juwel trigon 190, it was set up in 2005 as a community tank. A couple of years ago we lost most of the fish to a fungus infection and was left with only 7 rummynose tetra. It stayed just the 7 fish until recently as I never seemed to have time to get more. So a few weeks ago I decided to get my head on and re stock the tank, I bought a new test kit (API master test kit) and checked everything was ok and it was, ammonia and nitrite 0ppm and nitrate 5ppm. We got 4 bronze corys and 4 more rummynose tetra. Within the first week all the corys died but the rummys seemed ok, tested the water and everything was the same although nitrates looked closer to 10ppm. At this point I also checked the ph and found it to be 6 which is the lowest reading on the scale so its possible it could be lower. I tested the tap water (after leaving to sit for 24hrs) and it is ph6.4
I then got the tetra ph test kit which goes down to ph5. With this test kit it only tells you if its ph5 (light yellow) or ph6 (light green) the result was more of a deeper yellow but closer to ph5 than 6.
Now when I first set this tank up I recorded the test results weekly and found them in a pile of bits under the tank so in 2005 the ph values were 6.8-7.2 and the tap water was ph7.2. I had also tested the Kh and Gh and found them to be