I just wanted to thank those who helped me with changing my tank over to sand and live plants. I have found its actually easier to care for. What I was worried about never happened. The sand never came up into my filter. I have found the algae much less and found just a simple swipe of the Mag-Float works well. Of coarse I still do monthly maintenance but even that is easier it seems with sand. That SeaChem Flourish works beautifully as well. My baby Amazon Sword is growing quite fast as to another plant I added. Can't remember the name but also the big sword, an occasional brown leaf here n there but no more clear leafs. And it seems my fish especially my Corys love it so much. I did however loose 1 Panda cory. Unsure what happened to him but all the rest are well. Even have many babies still from my Sword tails which I am always giving to the pet store. I know...Gotta get rid of my male but he is so big n beautyfull.
Thanks again so much for all your help!
I just wanted to thank those who helped me with changing my tank over to sand and live plants. I have found its actually easier to care for. What I was worried about never happened. The sand never came up into my filter. I have found the algae much less and found just a simple swipe of the Mag-Float works well. Of coarse I still do monthly maintenance but even that is easier it seems with sand. That SeaChem Flourish works beautifully as well. My baby Amazon Sword is growing quite fast as to another plant I added. Can't remember the name but also the big sword, an occasional brown leaf here n there but no more clear leafs. And it seems my fish especially my Corys love it so much. I did however loose 1 Panda cory. Unsure what happened to him but all the rest are well. Even have many babies still from my Sword tails which I am always giving to the pet store. I know...Gotta get rid of my male but he is so big n beautyfull.
Thanks again so much for all your help!