Loving The Sand N Real Plants...


Mostly New Member
Feb 17, 2015
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 I just wanted to thank those who helped me with changing my tank over to sand and live plants. I have found its actually easier to care for. What I was worried about never happened. The sand never came up into my filter. I have found the algae much less and found just a simple swipe of the Mag-Float works well. Of coarse I still do monthly maintenance but even that is easier it seems with sand.  That SeaChem Flourish works beautifully as well. My baby Amazon Sword is growing quite fast as to another plant I added. Can't remember the name but also the big sword, an occasional brown leaf here n there but no more clear leafs.  And it seems my fish especially my Corys love it so much. I did however loose 1 Panda cory. Unsure what happened to him but all the rest are well. Even have many babies still from my Sword tails which I am always giving to the pet store. I know...Gotta get rid of my male but he is so big n beautyfull.
Thanks again so much for all your help!
Keep the male then and get rid of the females.
Glad you are enjoying real plants, I love planted tanks, just wish I was better at keeping them algae free.
Glad to hear you made the plunge into sand and real plants. I love real plants and natural decore in a tank, it just seems right. And I am sure your corys are thankful for the lovely sand to snuffle through too

I know people with tanks who insist on having fake plants then every week have to try and scrub the algae off the plastic plants, I keep telling them not an issue with live plants, but still they stick to the plastic moan about the algae.
I know people with tanks who insist on having fake plants then every week have to try and scrub the algae off the plastic plants, I keep telling them not an issue with live plants, but still they stick to the plastic moan about the algae.
And then they buy " algae eating critters " only to discover that the critters don't eat that type of algae, or that cute 3 inch pleco will grow to 12 inches or more.

I HEAR YOU! About a month ago I purchased better lighting (Finnex Planted+ 24/7) for my 60g and planted (Anubius, Jungle Val, Amazon Swords, Java Fern, Java Moss, Dwarf Sag, Green Crypt Wendtii...). My substrate is silica (pool filter) sand. Using Flourish Comp and Tabs along with Fresh Trace (all in slight amounts).
After an initial algae problem, the tank settled in and most plants are doing really well. The Jungle Val is trying to leave the tank.
It's got a ways to go to look/be mature, but so far....so good!!!




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I used to be one of those people that loved fake plants too. The silk ones, but I too found that algae would stick to them like super glue. I still have a couple of them in my tank, but plan on getting rid of the fake ones soon. I need a taller plant like the one I have already in there.   Seems my fishies flock to the real plants too. Even it seems my castle roof isn't getting as green/black as it had been before the real plant and sand switch.  I purchased that Amazon Sword from Petco and have about the nightmares of Snails...So glad I didn't end up with a snail fest.  I love the pics of all your tanks too. Truly beautiful indeed. The natural setting I think is more calming to the fish. See my big castle I plan on putting some Java moss or something that attaches to it  would be lovely.
Thanks again for all your imput and help
Anything plastic I have found plants like java fern and even moss are hard to get to attach to it properly, but anything natural like natural stone or timber not a problem for getting plants to attach to.
Another plant you could look at adding is Bolbitus its a nice fern like plant that is slow growing but does well attached to structure. As does other ferns like Windelov or Trident.
Years ago when I used to have a mix of plastic and real plants the fish always seemed to prefer the softer real plants and I suspect the plastic ones they found sharp and possibly injury causing if they rubbed against them for any reason.
I've found some fish the silk fake plants tear there fins. Sadly, like if you have a Betta male or something with flashy fins. I've been buying those snail free plants you find in Petco or Petsmart, though I prefer Petco.  And even my castle is staying clear of the algae that was plaguing it with fake plants that would eventually turn almost black. Lol, my one fake plant I have is even staying clean since adding the real plants though one of my real ones is out growing my tank. As in its so tall even my bow front tank isn't tall enough. Lol...Sorry I don't post much, with MG you have to pick and choose when you can and can't as to vision isn't always grand and the weakness in the fingers. yea not fun. lol

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