Fish Addict
When I was given my first three foot tank and started keeping tropical fish in 2006, amongst the first fish I bought for that tank was a pair of bronze cories. Today, one of that pair finally died. He was my first fish, and most definitely my most long-lived fish! There have been MANY other fish come and go that's for sure! Not sure how old he was when I got him, but he's been with me for eight years at least. I was a bit sad as he had been with me since my first tank, but not too much as he has obviously led a good life! I had read cories live on average 10 years (could be longer?) so I thought he had a pretty good run of it especially - since he has survived four house moves and lived in three different tanks over his life! I will keep you all posted how long his buddy stays with me. He has an albino cory for company still, but I think he's a bit sad.
Thought this was a nice story to share. RIP little bronze cory.
Anyone else out there got a fish they have had a really, really long time? Anyone out there still have any of the first fish they ever bought?
Thought this was a nice story to share. RIP little bronze cory.
Anyone else out there got a fish they have had a really, really long time? Anyone out there still have any of the first fish they ever bought?