albino shark, I believe that you are referring to Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, Red tailed sharks, but the one you currently own is an albino version. These fish are too aggresive for any tank short of 4 feet as they have been known to attack and kill tank mates. I can speak from first hand experience on this one. they will nip other fish;s fins, and only should be placed with small fast moving fish, So i recommend that you get rid of this fish
2 columbian tetras, columbian tetras are schooling fish and require groups of 6 or more, but they are the larger species of tetras so you cant fully support a proper school of them, once again this is another bad fish for the tank so you should get rid of it
2 glowlights, schooling fish so should be in groups of 6 or more, these fish , you can keep. they are great choices for your tanks
silver molly, mollies get too large, and active for a 63 liter, they also like to be in groups of 3 or pairs so ideally you should return this fish
2 emperor tetras, they are schooling fish and are one of the larger species of tetras so ideally you shouldnt have a full school of them in a 63 liter
otto catfish, pretty fragile fish, just maintain water levels, and they should be fine in your tank
7 neon light tetras, will be fine
4 rummynose, schooling fish and are one of the larger species of rasboras, so the tank cant support a full school of them unless they are the only fish in the tank
2 platys perfect choice
2 widow tetras schooling fish and one of the larger species of tetras so they arent the best choice and you should return them, since your tank cant support a full school of them