Lost 3 Wcmm In 3 Days ....


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
Hull, East Yorkshire, England
Been going through a mini cycle and ive lost 3 of my little wcmm in 3 days, im so annoyed about it!!! Ive been using some stuff called "cycle" just to help it along its way, can anyone else suggest anything I can do? :( Im doing water changes everyday before treating the water. My bettas fine, so I dont know if theres an underlying problem somewhere? because surely the wcmm are hardier than the Betta? :S
As long as the waters warm bettas can put up with a suprising anount of things if there healthy, where as mountain minnows need good water quality even though they can live in a temperature range :good:

Also they are smaller fish than bettas and if your betta is thriving then im guessing your water is quite warm which doesnt really suite the wcmms they it makes sense that died before the betta died if you no what i mean :)
Hmm, I wouldent like to think i was killing them because its too hot!! :( I know what you mean though about the WCMM been smaller, I'm sick to death atm with my tank :/ later on when iive sorted out my cycle issues is there anything I could possibly add that gets along with my betta and the temperature? Its a 36 litre so it would have to be something small and definately not snails!! they frighten me to death!!! haha. thanks for your time :)
How warm do you keep the tank? platinum halfbeaks would be good or some shrimp but if you get cherry shrimp you should make sure there older ones as if there to small they will et eaten. dependin on your betta he might even eat adult cherry shrimp so maybe larger shrimp like ghost shrimp will be good.

there are lots of good tank mates for bettas but your tank is quite small.

Y are you having a mini cycle?
:good: Sorry just been thinking and a 35ltr is to small for a roup of halfbeaks. to be honest i cant think of anything fish wise you could have. i would think about shrimp
Hmmm, Ill have a look round my lfs see if they have some :) and i really dont know :/ i dont know whats caused it at all, Ive not really had much any information about them or why they are caused :/
If your filter was fully cycled before you had this mini cycle, then don't use the " cycle" stuff
Regular water changes & testing should sort it out.
Wcmm need lower temperatures than Bettas as they are subtropical, maybe your tank has been too warm for them?

In a 35 litre you could have some endlers, or micro rasboras with your Betta.
You could try shrimp, some Bettas see them as tasty snacks though
Have you thouroughly cleaned your filter out lately?
Hmm possibly, they always stay at the top of the tank too, not gasping for air put just like swimming at the top. and not recently, do you think it needs a good clean out?
the last thing you should do at this pooint is touch the filter. the bacteria in your fitler needs time to colonise in your tank so they can deal with your ammonia levels. you need to test the water for ammonia and nitrate and assuming both levels are high i would just keep doing large daily water changes until they start to gradually come down.

the last thing you should do is give every thing a good clean.....just do large water changes so your fish have a bit of a break in terms of livin in dirty water.

Your in whats called a fish in cycle so for more info you should google fish in cycles :good:
With bettas it's really a hit and miss with tankmates.
Some I can suggest are 4 or 5 endlers or possibly a couple of platies. One of my bettas lived with both species without any trouble, but I'd suggest the endlers more as they're a lot smaller than your bettas, so he might not see them as much of a threat as the platies. :)

Don't add anything new until your cycle is done though! You don't need more ammonia being created right now :good:

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