New Member
Hi everyone,
So let me start with the original build specs and what happened.
55 gallons tank with fluval 306 filter 2x150 watts heaters and 1 air pump with a bubble wall
The tank is planted and has a DIY CO2 reactor (using citric), the airstone was on a timer to turn on at night as the CO2 turns off and turn off in the morning as the CO2 turns on.
Original stock:
2 very big breading Blue Pearlscale angelfish (although their eggs never gave babies)
3 big marble angelfish
6 roseline sharks
2 small cute plecos that I forgot their name.
Some ramshorn and malaysian trumpet snails
That thank has been running for about 2-3 years with this stock with no issues, no death, no illness everything was good and fine.
So i've been away for a few weeks and still am, about 2 weeks ago my girlfriend called me to tell me our male pearlscale angelfish passed away, I was mad but she said water parameters were all good, all other fish doing fine and no apparent illness so she figured he might have died from old age as they are really big and we don;t know how old they are, so I didn't make any case out of it. But then a few days ago my girlfriend called me in panic telling me all the fish were dead (I later found 1 was dead and all the other ones gasping for air at the surface) and some roseline shark swimming upside down. She moved them all in my 25 gallons and most of them got better unfortunately the female blue pearlscale passed away and 2 more roseline shark (on top of the one already dead). The plecos stayed in the 55 but both survived. She then added airstones waited about an hour and but everyone back in as my 25 also has a bunch of baby african cichlids... now a few days later everyone that survived is doing fine. As a side note my CO2 mix had been out for 3 weeks prior to this and the valve was shut down, however the airbubles were still on a timer.
Does anyone have an idea what happened? I've lost a lot of fish and want to understand what caused their death. Note that she immediately took a water test and everything was good, and no amonia she also doubled checked the temperature and it was still 82F as usual.
Thanks for your help!
So let me start with the original build specs and what happened.
55 gallons tank with fluval 306 filter 2x150 watts heaters and 1 air pump with a bubble wall
The tank is planted and has a DIY CO2 reactor (using citric), the airstone was on a timer to turn on at night as the CO2 turns off and turn off in the morning as the CO2 turns on.
Original stock:
2 very big breading Blue Pearlscale angelfish (although their eggs never gave babies)
3 big marble angelfish
6 roseline sharks
2 small cute plecos that I forgot their name.
Some ramshorn and malaysian trumpet snails
That thank has been running for about 2-3 years with this stock with no issues, no death, no illness everything was good and fine.
So i've been away for a few weeks and still am, about 2 weeks ago my girlfriend called me to tell me our male pearlscale angelfish passed away, I was mad but she said water parameters were all good, all other fish doing fine and no apparent illness so she figured he might have died from old age as they are really big and we don;t know how old they are, so I didn't make any case out of it. But then a few days ago my girlfriend called me in panic telling me all the fish were dead (I later found 1 was dead and all the other ones gasping for air at the surface) and some roseline shark swimming upside down. She moved them all in my 25 gallons and most of them got better unfortunately the female blue pearlscale passed away and 2 more roseline shark (on top of the one already dead). The plecos stayed in the 55 but both survived. She then added airstones waited about an hour and but everyone back in as my 25 also has a bunch of baby african cichlids... now a few days later everyone that survived is doing fine. As a side note my CO2 mix had been out for 3 weeks prior to this and the valve was shut down, however the airbubles were still on a timer.
Does anyone have an idea what happened? I've lost a lot of fish and want to understand what caused their death. Note that she immediately took a water test and everything was good, and no amonia she also doubled checked the temperature and it was still 82F as usual.
Thanks for your help!