Hi there!
I am going to stock my 46gallon tank this week-weekend, which has been cycled already. (hurray dirty filter!)
Here is what I'm setting on:
9 Rummynose Tetras
9 Celestial pearl Danios
9 Harlequin Rasboras
7 Corydora Pandas
2 Bamboo Shrimp
A dozen of cherry shrimp
3-4 Nerite Snails
I am looking for a showpiece fish to complete this list and was setting on getting a dwarf gourami until I read about how problematic they can be.. I really love their color and thought they'd be great community material.
I already have a Betta community tank so I'm not sure about getting another one.
My water's PH is at 7.4, KH at 5 and GH at 7.
Thank you!
I am going to stock my 46gallon tank this week-weekend, which has been cycled already. (hurray dirty filter!)
Here is what I'm setting on:
9 Rummynose Tetras
9 Celestial pearl Danios
9 Harlequin Rasboras
7 Corydora Pandas
2 Bamboo Shrimp
A dozen of cherry shrimp
3-4 Nerite Snails
I am looking for a showpiece fish to complete this list and was setting on getting a dwarf gourami until I read about how problematic they can be.. I really love their color and thought they'd be great community material.
I already have a Betta community tank so I'm not sure about getting another one.
My water's PH is at 7.4, KH at 5 and GH at 7.
Thank you!