Lonely Fry In A Shrimp Tank


Mostly New Member
Jun 21, 2014
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I've got an 8g with about 12 cherry and CRS shrimp. It's got a lot of algae and biofilm growth so I don't feed the shrimp any food because it goes uneaten and pollutes the tank. Last time I went to the fish store and bought more shrimp, two newborn guppy fry tagged along. I'd feel bad making them feeders for my other fish, but I'm worried they aren't getting enough food in the 8g since I don't put food in there.
It's got a fair population of planaria along the glass and algae, but that's about it. I tried feeding them crushed up flakes but they're so small and the tank is so big, they never find it and it winds up uneaten.

Any tips? Do you think the guppies will be ok? They've been alive for 4 days now... I know that doesn't mean much, but I know they have quick metabolisms and starve to death pretty quickly, so maybe they're managing ok? I hope I don't sound like a horrible person! I just want the best for these little stowaways :)

Well, on the subject of feeding the guppies, the employees at my lfs tap (GENTLY!) on the glass to let the fish know it's feeding time.
and from what I've observed, it seems to work pretty well.
I really wouldn't worry too much about it, in the wild, small invertebrates like planaria are part of their diet.
However, I would keep a close eye on them, and maybe have a divider or a second tank ready if I were you, as the guppies get bigger
they most likely will start taking shrimplets
Jeremy180 said:
Well, on the subject of feeding the guppies, the employees at my lfs tap (GENTLY!) on the glass to let the fish know it's feeding time.
and from what I've observed, it seems to work pretty well.
I really wouldn't worry too much about it, in the wild, small invertebrates like planaria are part of their diet.
However, I would keep a close eye on them, and maybe have a divider or a second tank ready if I were you, as the guppies get bigger
they most likely will start taking shrimplets
Thanks! I have two other tanks I could put them in and so far, no shrimplets yet (though one of my shrimp has eggs). I have a breeder net thing too but I've noticed fry get stunted if they grow in them. I'll keep an eye out on them and move them before they can get the baby shrimp. Thank you again!!

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