Lone Spanner Barb


Fish Crazy
Oct 20, 2012
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hi guys
i have a few convict cichlids and a spanner barb in my tank but latly he's looking a bit nostalgic,i thought this might be due to lack of tank mate of his species, so should i buy a few more spanner barbs to go in with him ?(there's enough room)but the only problem would be that my spanner barb is a 5.5 inch adult where as i can only get juvinile spanner barbs at around 2-3 inch so what should i do ? thanks for any help

There shouldn't be any problem adding juveniles to an established shoal.
thanks so 1 lone adult can be introdiced to 2 - 3 juviniles ? just to clarify, i dont want any acedents thanks

Yes, it'll be fine, although your lone barb might chase them about a bit for the first day or two, they'll soon settle down.
sorry for having to drag this post back up but no pet shop in Manchester has spanner barbs,ive checked with many stores and nobody seems to have them so is there any types of barbs that a spanner would shoal with ? thanks

Fish will shoal with similar species, but only because they're desperate to shoal with something rather than be on their own. Have you asked if anyone will order them in for you?
yep everyone keeps saying we can only order in hulk so we'll order them but only if you'll buy 50 witch i dont have the space for or the budget when there £7 each
so im looking into finding it another fish to shoal with would a bala shark work providing the tank was big enough ? thanks

No, bala sharks wouldn't be closely related enough for your spanner barb to shoal with, plus you'd need a tank at least five or six feet long for balas.

I'm not iure what fish to suggest, tbh; perhaps filament or gold or rosy barbs?
i'm going to go fish shopping tomorrow and i'll keep a good look out for these thanks

if non of these could be found would silver dollars do ? thanks
No, again, they're not even closely related to the barb family.

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