Fish Crazy
Well now my 72 gallon has Ick in it. I officially do not like Petco. Its my fualt for not putting them in a tank for a few weeks yes. Silly me, I listened to them at the store so now I am ( and my poor fish ) are paying the price.
I think the problem came about when the lady put all the fish in the same bag. I think that is the only way to think that this could have happened. Either that or both tanks at the store both were infected.
With that said.... stock is:
9 Dinos
2 Clown loaches
4 corrie cats ( 2 julli and 2 emmies )
5 Pristella Tetras
Now, half the fish have spots. I am seeing them on a few dinos, at least one loach.... and a few tetras. I can not get a clear look at the cats because they like to hide for the most part.
I did a quick 25% WC clean the gravel good. Removed carbon.
So now the meds. Using Jungle Ick cure for this tank. Directions say 5 ml per 10 gallons EXCEPT scaleless fish and tetras. I went on treating with 10 ml instead. Would this be enough? I do not have jungle II where I live. I think with tetras for sure in most of my tanks I have to order some form amazon here shortly. For the time being this is what I got to treat.... so any input would help! Thanks !!!
O and the water specs are:
pH 8.2
I think the problem came about when the lady put all the fish in the same bag. I think that is the only way to think that this could have happened. Either that or both tanks at the store both were infected.
With that said.... stock is:
9 Dinos
2 Clown loaches
4 corrie cats ( 2 julli and 2 emmies )
5 Pristella Tetras
Now, half the fish have spots. I am seeing them on a few dinos, at least one loach.... and a few tetras. I can not get a clear look at the cats because they like to hide for the most part.
I did a quick 25% WC clean the gravel good. Removed carbon.
So now the meds. Using Jungle Ick cure for this tank. Directions say 5 ml per 10 gallons EXCEPT scaleless fish and tetras. I went on treating with 10 ml instead. Would this be enough? I do not have jungle II where I live. I think with tetras for sure in most of my tanks I have to order some form amazon here shortly. For the time being this is what I got to treat.... so any input would help! Thanks !!!
O and the water specs are:
pH 8.2