Loaches/corries And Ick... Yes Another Tank!


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2012
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Well now my 72 gallon has Ick in it. I officially do not like Petco. Its my fualt for not putting them in a tank for a few weeks yes. Silly me, I listened to them at the store so now I am ( and my poor fish ) are paying the price.

I think the problem came about when the lady put all the fish in the same bag. I think that is the only way to think that this could have happened. Either that or both tanks at the store both were infected.

With that said.... stock is:
9 Dinos
2 Clown loaches
4 corrie cats ( 2 julli and 2 emmies )
5 Pristella Tetras

Now, half the fish have spots. I am seeing them on a few dinos, at least one loach.... and a few tetras. I can not get a clear look at the cats because they like to hide for the most part.

I did a quick 25% WC clean the gravel good. Removed carbon.

So now the meds. Using Jungle Ick cure for this tank. Directions say 5 ml per 10 gallons EXCEPT scaleless fish and tetras. I went on treating with 10 ml instead. Would this be enough? I do not have jungle II where I live. I think with tetras for sure in most of my tanks I have to order some form amazon here shortly. For the time being this is what I got to treat.... so any input would help! Thanks !!!

O and the water specs are:
pH 8.2
Most chain store tanks are run by huge sumps. One tank's water is every tank's water. Fish from two different tanks going in the same bag would mean nothing.

You'll want to cater to the most delicate species in your tank, which I'd consider to be the loaches in this case. Here is a link to treating ich with loaches: http://forums.loaches.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16721

I'd start raising the heat slowly and add an airstone. The heat will speed up the life cycle of the ich.

Oh... and invest in a quarantine tank.
Most chain store tanks are run by huge sumps. One tank's water is every tank's water. Fish from two different tanks going in the same bag would mean nothing.

You'll want to cater to the most delicate species in your tank, which I'd consider to be the loaches in this case. Here is a link to treating ich with loaches: http://forums.loaches.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16721

I'd start raising the heat slowly and add an airstone. The heat will speed up the life cycle of the ich.

Oh... and invest in a quarantine tank.
Yes, I hate myself for not having a tank ready for quarantine tank. I guess going on that route, would a 10 gallon tank be enough for picking up 2 or 4 fish at a time to put them in for a few weeks?
Sorry for the delayed response!

It depends on the fish. For most fish, I'd say yes. And, even if you do have established media to put in the QT filter, I'd still suggest frequent (Daily?) water changes.

How is the ich treatment going?
Sorry for the delayed response!

It depends on the fish. For most fish, I'd say yes. And, even if you do have established media to put in the QT filter, I'd still suggest frequent (Daily?) water changes.

How is the ich treatment going?
One loach died. I am down to one.

I moved my 5 Gold Pristella Tetra's to the 50 gallon now freeing up the 10 gallon. I will be using this of course for a Hospital/New Quarantine tank from now on. I plan on moving my last surviving loach to this tank so I can keep treating this at half dose of QuIck Cure for how ever long is needed, meanwhile treating the 72 gallon for a few more days ( all fish are free of spots, but of course just to kill whatever free swimming Ick running around. ) then do a nice 50% WC on the 72 gallon and then a day or 2 after do another 50% WC with a good cleaning with both. I think being Wednesday right now, the 72 gallon treatment until Saturday should do the trick? I am more worried that the continues treatment for ick will hurt my Corries also. So the faster I can stop the treatment in there the better in my eyes.

How does this plan sound?
Loaches should be kept in large numbers anyway and introduced at the same time, perhaps an impulse purchase without the correct research on your part?

Its salt that corys dont like, it burns, most treatments for ich are perfectly fine, but you need to half dose them with loaches, as you have discovered.
Loaches should be kept in large numbers anyway and introduced at the same time, perhaps an impulse purchase without the correct research on your part?

Its salt that corys dont like, it burns, most treatments for ich are perfectly fine, but you need to half dose them with loaches, as you have discovered.
Well, I thought three was the number to shoot for. I never seen anything about being bought all at the same time. I figured 2 would be good for now and getting a third or fourth at a later time would do. That is really not the issue at hand, more so as to the treatment of Ick. People do make mistakes..we are only human and sometimes no matter how much you read, sometimes you just do not "get" all the information :sad:
Oh aye totally agree, loaches are prone to it and it can be a right pig to get rid of. In fact, from past readings, I've read about how ich is becoming more and more immune to our treatments for it, which is worrying. Its quite important that you keep your temperature high and quite honestly, i wouldn't be in any rush to remove the meds. Let it do its job. Ich can come back as quickly as it disappears :)
Oh aye totally agree, loaches are prone to it and it can be a right pig to get rid of. In fact, from past readings, I've read about how ich is becoming more and more immune to our treatments for it, which is worrying. Its quite important that you keep your temperature high and quite honestly, i wouldn't be in any rush to remove the meds. Let it do its job. Ich can come back as quickly as it disappears :)
So your talking on the 72 gallon I take it?

So the course should be longer than 3 days? I could do a WC tomorrow at 20% and then start the dose for another 3 days, rinse and repeat?

That is not good if Ich is getting imune to the treatment. This means the "softer" fish will most likely die during treatment if harsher chems are needed.
just follow the med instructions to the letter, if it doesnt work, give it another go :)
just follow the med instructions to the letter, if it doesnt work, give it another go :)
Loach is out into the 10 gallon. He/she is looking a bit better atm... not as active as usual, but what can I say...there is only 2 spots left on him/her. Kinda swimming funny though. Up and down hovering. This morning when I got home he was up on the surface and I swear he was trying to breath air or something. Odd, because there is still a filter going. Only fish. temps in that tank is around 76F. I have added a air line into the tank... seems to be on the bottom of the tank for the most part now.

The other tank is free of anything that I can see. Still have a algae problem but that is more of a cosmetic issue ( have not gotten the lights down yet for the live plants )

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