Loach with white spots on nose


New Member
Feb 11, 2017
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hi. Can anyone explain what these white spots on my loaches nose are? I have 3 loaches and no new fish in years. Very confused


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Looks like a fungal infection, cotton wool disease perhaps but can't tell for sure. If water quality is not the best, small wounds become infected. Best to do a large water change and make sure there's no dead fish or decaying material in the tank. Bottled treatments can be bought once you know for sure what it is
I notice that you have gravel in your tank.
Loaches love to play in the substrate burying their bodies in it with their faces poking out, sometimes I catch mine completely submerged and pushing up my plants!
They also love getting into tight awkward places, I think he's probably just hurt his nose digging around, any open wounds could become infected if the water isn't great, but this just looks like trauma to me.... Have you ever thought about changing your gravel to sand? They will love it, you'll see a completely different fish... They are like kittens messing about.

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