I have a quarantine tank. Right now, it's the following...
4g rimless tank
Aquaclear 30 running without media
Koralia 425, I think, could be a 220, not sure
Substrate: 1.5" of oolite sand
Liverock: for decoration
Flora: various macro algae
I don't take this tank's decor very seriously, but I do think that animals quarantine better when they have some semblance of a natural environment to relax in before being introduced to the main tank. I started this thread to sort of chronicle the species that have spent time in here and what was done to maintain them.
Quarantine #1: Mated pair of neon gobies
Time spent in quarantine: 30 days
Disease treatment: none
Quaratine #2: Black Ocellaris clownfish
Time spent in quarantine: 40 days
Disease treatment: Two weeks on Rid-Ich Plus at 1/2 strength, each dose proceeded by a 1/4 water change. Balance of stay was for observation.
Quarantine #3: High-fin Perchelet
If he doesn't show sign of disease, he'll stay for 20-30 days to make sure he's eating ok. If he does, well, I'll get out the rid-ich.
As I stock the 36g, expect see this thread updated. For that tank, I'll be upgrading the quarantine to an 8g tank. Ordering the materials tonight. Again, the same simple setup.
I have a quarantine tank. Right now, it's the following...
4g rimless tank
Aquaclear 30 running without media
Koralia 425, I think, could be a 220, not sure
Substrate: 1.5" of oolite sand
Liverock: for decoration
Flora: various macro algae
I don't take this tank's decor very seriously, but I do think that animals quarantine better when they have some semblance of a natural environment to relax in before being introduced to the main tank. I started this thread to sort of chronicle the species that have spent time in here and what was done to maintain them.
Quarantine #1: Mated pair of neon gobies
Time spent in quarantine: 30 days
Disease treatment: none
Quaratine #2: Black Ocellaris clownfish
Time spent in quarantine: 40 days
Disease treatment: Two weeks on Rid-Ich Plus at 1/2 strength, each dose proceeded by a 1/4 water change. Balance of stay was for observation.
Quarantine #3: High-fin Perchelet
If he doesn't show sign of disease, he'll stay for 20-30 days to make sure he's eating ok. If he does, well, I'll get out the rid-ich.
As I stock the 36g, expect see this thread updated. For that tank, I'll be upgrading the quarantine to an 8g tank. Ordering the materials tonight. Again, the same simple setup.