Livebearer Vivarium Help


Jul 4, 2013
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Hey guy, i currently am working on making a south american themed vivarium which includes a waterfall backround and a drip system.I wanted to include a fish that is indegenous to the area and i noticed some livebearer fit the bill. I was wondering which type i should get and which would be the most natural for the setup.
south american? livebearers are from central america... well some mollies, if not tetras.
ok well i guess i could make some changes to it but i really want to have livebeaers.
ncguppy830 said:
ok well i guess i could make some changes to it but i really want to have livebeaers.
The generic guppy will work. THe wild strain if you can get some. For a natural feel to your tank, what size is it anyhow?
ncguppy830 said:
65 gallon
Great for some mollues as in giant sailfin types! And even some swordtail or you cab do somethig different lika anableps or girardinicthys sp.
ok i like the idea of salfins but dont they need salt
okay saw the one sided livebearer on a website for sale and was wondering what is care for this fish.
their an intresting and unusual fish, not an easy one thats for sure, but well worth a try.
yeah i guess so but i will try to breed them i dont know if its been done before
I've breed them back in the early 90's. The gonopodium on the males can only move either left or right, the females also have a guard scale on the vent again  either left or right.

So to breed you need a left handed male with a right handed female or visa versa. so you need a group of 6-8 fish to start off with.
sexing is easy, male's have a long gonopodium like guppies and mollies
ok and i suppose females are larger or am i wrong, and one quesstion could i feed them flakes and bloodworms?

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