Livebearer Box


Fish Fanatic
May 10, 2013
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hi guys :)
a friend has given me a livebearer box as i have some platies, however the bottom section of it where the fry drop through is missing !? if my platies do eventually give birth in the box will the fry be okay for a little while, because as soon as the platy gives birth i will remove her :)  or will i have to purchase a new box :)
I don't want to sound harsh, but are you sure you want to be keeping fry?

Do you have another tank available, and a heater and filter you can put in it? As, in all honesty, you don't have enough room in your 60l to be able to raise more than a few fry properly, if that.
yeah, in a previous thread i mentioned a friend had given me a 30l :) i wouldnt put fry in that tank lol
I'd keep the box, they should be fine as long as you get her out asap. She won't eat them all as soon as shes had them :) 
Id buy a new one they arent dear and place her in late on as not to stress her to much. You can also buy the size you want to then which you wont have to worry about taking her out before she has had all the fry :)

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