Little Problem


Fish Crazy
May 19, 2010
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Have a group of 6 tiger barbs in a 24G and I've tried to introduce a BN Pleco last week and found it dead the next day. I saw my barbs chasing it relentlessly when they saw it and I guess it just got stressed out. All my water parameters are fine btw 0 0 0. I bought a relatively small pleco about an inch so could that have been the reason? Would getting a bigger pleco reduce this chasing?

I mainly want a pleco for algae control since I have a significant ammount now on driftwood and the glass and for looks of course. Any tips?
In my experience, tiger barbs deserve the name tiger. I just don't try them with any peaceful fish at all. If you like them, devote a tank to only them.
Thanks, always considered plecos to be hardy under most conditions and tankmates. Guess the barbs win.
0-0-0, assuming that we are talking about ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, is not fine.

Barring an overgrown and beyond heavily-planted tank full of floating and stem plants, you should be showing nitrates.

How was your tank cycled, and how long has it been running? What method do you use to test your water?
Well u have 8 barbs in my 120ltre along with lemon & beacon tetras, harlequin rasboras & two bristle nose plecs (one around 2" & one 1") and so far no problems at all.
I wonder if it makes a difference that I added the barbs last to my tank opposed to trying to introduce new fish in THEIR territory.
Hope you manage to get it sorted.

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