Little Monsters...


Aug 21, 2010
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Hi all,
I've had a fish reshuffle recently moving on my Malawis, and taken the opportunity to start a new project in the spare tank - I've tried new world cichlids before in "community" type setups, but thought that growing on a breeding pair would be a fun project to have a go at, and see where I can get to.
After a bit of driving around this weekend I've picked up two groups (7 in total) of very young Parachromis Managuensis (Jaguar cichlids) to grow on and hopefully get a breeding pair. They are all about 1-2" at the moment, and very shy still but know that when the tank lid is open it means food time and wow do they eat!!
So the tank is a Rio 400 (5'x20"x24") which is about 450 litres. I'm running an Eheim 2262 for filtration which pushes about 3400 lph before media. There is a temporary scape in the tank as the fish grow - the plants give them a bit of shelter, and enough space to hide from each other. (The swordtails were only temporary - they are now rehomed.)
Although the breeding setup is where I want to get to, I am aware that I may end up with a solo Jag in there eventually. I've got dividers and a spare tank setup if things take a turn for the worse, but fingers crossed.
I'm going to keep a journal as the fish grow and hope you'll find it interesting:
Tank (temp scape):

Nice tank :good: love jag cichlids. I had 1 years ago I kept with oscars. It was a beast! But quickly out grew my tank and had to get shot of it. They grow pretty fast from what I can remember. Look forward to reading and seeing your lot grow.

Good luck
garyspence84 said:
Nice tank
love jag cichlids. I had 1 years ago I kept with oscars. It was a beast! But quickly out grew my tank and had to get shot of it. They grow pretty fast from what I can remember. Look forward to reading and seeing your lot grow.

Good luck
Thanks Gary - yes they seem to be growing very fast indeed but there's maybe 3 or 4 of the seven that are more confident and quicker to the food every time. They're already on small Hikari pellets and come out of hiding when they know it's feeding time.
I have though, changed the filter. The Eheim was great in that the flow was immense, but not an easy one to do basic maintenance on it, and the 1" intake meant the lid was propped open which was unsightly...and the noise - a constant hum in the room which would be fine, but this tank is in the living room and was really winding me up. Now running two EX1200s which are quiet as a whisper and two of them cost less that what I sold the 2262 for (with a fair bit to spare!). Will get some pics up later to show progress when the lights are on.
Bit of a remodel now that they're all growing - has given them a lot of space and all seem a bit happier exploring the tank since it was done at the weekend:
I can't believe how fast they are growing and had originally thought of adding a plec and maybe a couple of convicts as dithers, but after some reading realised this would be a bad idea so hopefully will get a pair out of my 7.
One question though for anyone with experience of them - their colours change so quickly - but one (the largest that I'm 90% sure is a male) is showing much less colour than the others and you rarely see his patterning as more than a feint blotch on his body. Is this usual? As the dominant fish in the tank, I was just assuming he is permamently chilled, and so not trying to prove anything.
I think once some of the others start to catch up with him, size wise, he will more than likely start to display more. Or even when they start looking to pair up also. But I think your right in thinking its just the chilled out mended of the pack.

New scape is looking good to by the way! But where's the full tank shot? :lol:
Still got all 7 although two are a third of the size so expecring them to go soon. The largest looks like its a she - very rounded fins etc. Think ive got 2 males and 2 females, with 3 im just not sure about. Growing like crazy still and starting to venture out more when im near the tank.

Anyone had any luck keeping plecs with their jags? Would be good to hear your experiences.

i've just got 6 jags and hoping to get a pair also, mine are to small to sex maybe 2" at the moment.

i've got 2 that have much less colour and fight all the time so maybe they are males, i don't think the shape of the fins makes much difference on jags i've seen big males that don't have pointed fins.
Jags are very pretty. Especially when they're older.

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