Liquid Or Substrate Ferts?


Fish Fanatic
May 6, 2013
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Hi everyone, so I am getting a new tank soon and definitely adding plants. I was wondering if I should use liquid ferts or substrate ones. If you think substrate, is it ok to have sand on top?

Hope you can help and thanks in advance!
That really depends on what type of plants you intend to grow?
Just hardy plants, like java fern, anubias, cryptocorynes, if you have any suggestions for plants that would be good too. =3
Those are all 'leaf' feeders primarily.  Swords are a heavy root feeder - so based on this list, I'd say liquid (or dry, if you are looking for an economical, but slightly higher work load option).
Go dry ferts. Super easy and costs wayyy less to do long term. I do an 180gallon tank for a year supply approx cost me $50 including shipping.
Do both. You'll need ferts in the water column for plants like Java fern, anubius and mosses anyway, and while there's not really any such thing as a root feeder per se - rooted plants will benefit from nutritious substrates because of the unique biological action down there in the dirt.....


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