Lily Loaching Around!


Cogito Ergo Sum
May 29, 2011
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My kuhli Lily did a little dance for me and allowed me to film it. This is how my loaches always act, except for the days where they feel like being shy :rolleyes: She's always getting Limp Noodle Syndrome! :hyper: And they love to swim, and do little spurts where they stretch out their fins and they look like they want to fly~

Anybody else have some cool kuhli loach videos to share?
Anybody else have some cool kuhli loach videos to share?

No, but i did just put a dozen Kuhlis into a 10 gallon i have planted out, couple of fully grown ones and the rest youngsters. :D Looks nice and busy in there now, very loach like. :D
How old are your Kuhlis Crossfire? How long have you had them?
How old are your Kuhlis Crossfire? How long have you had them?

I've had Leo since September 2011. Lily since November 2011. Luke since May 2012. Luna since August 2012. Kuhlis live for 10+ years :nod:
I got them when they were quite small. Little loachy babies. :wub:

Here's Leo when we got him:


Look at how small he was! The Moss Ball is massive compared to him!

Here's Leo today:


How old are your Kuhlis Crossfire? How long have you had them?

I've had Leo since September 2011. Lily since November 2011. Luke since May 2012. Luna since August 2012. Kuhlis live for 10+ years :nod:

Okay thanks, I always wondered why yours are so big compared to mine but i've only had mine since earlier this year :)

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