Lilaeopsis Brasillensis


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2007
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Someone has donated some of this lovely plant to me, it has come in the mesh pot and sponge as if it has just come direct from the shop, the guy said he'd never planted it. So basically I want to know if I should take each stem out of the sponge of plant it directly in tact with the sponge?
Any ideas......
id take it out of the pot, but it really doesnt matter to much, you could break some of the sponge off if you wanted 
i find its a really hardy plant 
I find with Lilaeopsis that the best way is to break a pot up into several portions and plant it about an inch apart.  Dont leave the planting felt on.  Its a relatively hardy plant but I do find it does better with some ferts and CO2 to help it out.

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