Light Question


Fish Crazy
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Marietta GA, USA
Can anybody recommend a light for a 10 gal tank that will give me around 3 watts per gallon. And it needs to be available in the U.S.
Does anybody know how I would be able to use a 24" unit on it? I saw it on a post on MFK but they don't say how they did it. I would use something like this.
if i were you i would go with the 20" cuz thats about the right size for most 10g
and it's 40w so that 4w per gallon and i think it's a little cheaper at

i am getting one of the 20" for my 10g and the 24" for my 20g.

i think i read on they do have some sort of thing that hooks it to the aquarium.

hope that helps.
Unless you are aiming for loadsa work pruning and a constant algae battle then there is no need for 3 or 4WPG.

1WPG will grow a lot of plants. 2WPG will grow almost everything.

Costs less in replacement bulbs.
Uses less electricity.
Less items to go wrong.
Plants will grow more slowly.
Algae will grow more slowly (until you get used to the balance of ferts, CO2 etc.)
Lower light means more room for error.
Needs less ferts
NEeds less CO2 (if any)
This list could go on forever.

Can't think of any

Yeah I ended up stickin with my old 15 watt light. Just put one of those flora-glo bulbs on it. Its really purple.

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