Lido 120

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Mar 24, 2012
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hi people
After 6 weeks of fishless cycling now cycled yesssssssss.
what fish to add currently 6 zebra danios // 2 peppered corys its a lido 120 l tank running a ehiem bioforce 200..any constructed advise please no adding great white sharks ect.......regards and such a good forum..
I would not put Zebra/Leopard Danios in there for a start, unless it was a temporary quarantine tank, they are far too active for anything less than a 3-foot tank and I personally would not have them in anything less than a 4-footer. They are one of the most extreme instances of small fish not being suitable in a small tank.

Corydoras paleatus (Peppered), while a good combo with the Zebra Danios for a sub-tropical tank at 18-20C, become rather chunky ~7cm catfish that are very social and so need at least a 6+ group. In a Lido 120 with its ~60x40cm footprint, they will be rather cramped in there as they get bigger.

Lido 120 tanks are very hard to stock long term, just like my Aqua One 620T, because of their squat dimensions despite their decent volume. My 620T was basically a QT come grow out tank for a lot of fish I've acquired at different times in the last 18 months, but is now home to 6 Beckford Pencilfish and a Hypoptopma ("Giant Oto") catfish.

I would go for something along the lines of...
Pencilfish group with a group of smaller Corydoras (eg. Sterbai) or an Apistogramma pair
A few well chosen pairs/trios of Lake Tanganyika species
10-15 Hengels Rasbora with 10 Kuhli Loaches
~6 Celebes Rainbowfish with ~6 Forktail Blue Eye Rainbowfish
1 African Butterfly with 1 Leopard Bushfish and 6 Upside Down Catfish

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