I have a 15gal tank with 4 females and 1 male all swordtail except for 1 platy.
One of the female swordtails is not doing great. She is the biggest of them all.
No external marks/pimples/ulcers/white spots
flashing but not always
always stays at the bottom corner of the tank
dorsal fin, caudal fin, and anal fin is usually clamped
swims time to time but goes back to the bottom corner
she still eats
breathing is faster than usual
I do WC 70% every 2 weeks
The tank is already running for about 4months without issues not until now.
In what I see it is an internal parasite or some sort. What do you guys think?
I have no water param readings, the test kits are not sold here
One of the female swordtails is not doing great. She is the biggest of them all.
No external marks/pimples/ulcers/white spots
flashing but not always
always stays at the bottom corner of the tank
dorsal fin, caudal fin, and anal fin is usually clamped
swims time to time but goes back to the bottom corner
she still eats
breathing is faster than usual
I do WC 70% every 2 weeks
The tank is already running for about 4months without issues not until now.
In what I see it is an internal parasite or some sort. What do you guys think?
I have no water param readings, the test kits are not sold here