Leopard Danio Losing Lots Of Weight


May 28, 2013
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i have a group of danios
4 zebra 4 leopard and recently one of them has lost a lot of weight, 
won't eat,
barely swims,
struggles to stay in the same place in the tank.
i have qt the fish in question and tried mixing garlic paste with food to help flush out internal parasites but he just wont eat.
my levels are fine using the API master kit.
i dont know what to do. im trying to get a photo but proving difficult.
thanks in advance.
he might have swim bladder. Is he bloated or constipated? Are his scales pineconing because if so it could be dropsy, which isnt a disease but a symptom.
What are you feeding?
What are the exact ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings?
What size is the tank?
Is the Danio male or female?
Are any other Danios showing any sign of this?
Does the Danio have white stringy poo?
Try starving the Danio for a few days (2-4) and then try feeding a mashed, deshelled pea.
frozen bloodworm and flake.
none of the others look like this
levels are 0,0,2
no pineconing from what i can see
his spine is all bent and his head is bugger than his body noe
sorry was half asleep when i wrote that.
was supposed to say.
his spine is all bent and his head is bigger than his body now.
i'm really starting to worry about the poor fella.
today he died :'( 
i feel so bad that i couldn't of done more.

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