Hi all.
I have a 200l 4' long tank with an Aquis 1000 filter, both purchased second hand. On the initial set-up the canister had a tiny dribble where the head joins the body, so on the advice of a fish-whisperer friend, I dabbed a little bit of petroleum jelly around the rim and no worries from then on. Until Sunday.
Finding a couple of Cherry Barb fry in the tank earlier this month, I thought I'd do a careful check of the canister in case any had been sucked into the filter and were somehow miraculously alive in the bottom.
Disconnected the filter, disassembled it and carefully rinsed all of the components in a bucket of siphoned tank water, then filtered that through a fish net. No fish. No surprises really.
Then I did something I've never done before, which was empty the water out of the canister through the net to make sure there were no babies. Again, no fish and no surprise.
Reassembled everything, filled the canister with siphoned tank water, reconnected and away we go.
This morning (Thursday), having been a bit busy and preoccipied all week, I noticed the tank had about an inch less water than I'd filled it. Aagh! Disaster! The filter is once again leaking a little bit. To make it worse, the stand that came with the tank has a particleboard base where the filter goes, so it's all waterlogged, and knowing particleboard, will probably collapse sooner rather than later (don't worry, I have plans to replace the base with some solid wood as soon as possible). So I've lost about 10l over 4 days.
So once again I've put some petroleum jelly around the rim, and hopefully when I get home the leak will have been patched.
Is this a common problem with canisters? Should there have been some sort of rubber (latex, plastic, whatever) seal between the canister and lid/powerhead? Is there anything I can do to make sure the darn thing never leaks again?
I have a 200l 4' long tank with an Aquis 1000 filter, both purchased second hand. On the initial set-up the canister had a tiny dribble where the head joins the body, so on the advice of a fish-whisperer friend, I dabbed a little bit of petroleum jelly around the rim and no worries from then on. Until Sunday.
Finding a couple of Cherry Barb fry in the tank earlier this month, I thought I'd do a careful check of the canister in case any had been sucked into the filter and were somehow miraculously alive in the bottom.
Disconnected the filter, disassembled it and carefully rinsed all of the components in a bucket of siphoned tank water, then filtered that through a fish net. No fish. No surprises really.
Then I did something I've never done before, which was empty the water out of the canister through the net to make sure there were no babies. Again, no fish and no surprise.
Reassembled everything, filled the canister with siphoned tank water, reconnected and away we go.
This morning (Thursday), having been a bit busy and preoccipied all week, I noticed the tank had about an inch less water than I'd filled it. Aagh! Disaster! The filter is once again leaking a little bit. To make it worse, the stand that came with the tank has a particleboard base where the filter goes, so it's all waterlogged, and knowing particleboard, will probably collapse sooner rather than later (don't worry, I have plans to replace the base with some solid wood as soon as possible). So I've lost about 10l over 4 days.
So once again I've put some petroleum jelly around the rim, and hopefully when I get home the leak will have been patched.
Is this a common problem with canisters? Should there have been some sort of rubber (latex, plastic, whatever) seal between the canister and lid/powerhead? Is there anything I can do to make sure the darn thing never leaks again?