Leaf Fish Issue...


New Member
Jun 1, 2012
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Hi y'all!

I have a 30 gallon tank and among some other fish I have 2 Leaf Fish. I got one on a whim because I had to take back an aggressive gourami and the LFS recommended it. I really liked it (hence my message board name). I later returned to see if they had any other ones and found that they still had the one that was with mine the month before. I figured that, despite some reports of them having the occasional issue with each other, that these were at least acquainted with each other. Well, they did some dancing with each other the first day and pushed each other around with their back fins, etc. which seemed aggressive. I'm on my 3rd day and the weaker and more timid one (the new one) has the slightest bit of nipped fin.

Is it a territorial bout that could be over now/eventually, or should I just take it back now before it gets much worse? I'm also upgrading to a larger tank soon, so that might resolve it too. It's also weird because they have plenty of space but then follow each other around.

I've read that they usually get along fine and are actually better off as a pair, ugh my luck.
Its not unusual for there to be some pushing and shoving at first. One thing to try would to rearrange the decor of the tank, while you are doing that pull both fish out and then re-add them after redecorating. This will break up all original territories.
Which leaf fish are they? There are a few fish with that name.
The scientific name is Leopard Ctenopoma and a lot of people call them Spotted Climbing Perch. My LFS called them leaf fish and I've seen them called the some places online... maybe my message board name is all wrong!?
Here's a link with some more detailed info on your fish. Which are some of my favorite fish from Africa.
Awesome! Thanks for the link. We just bought a 75 gallon tank and will be moving the whole set up into that. It seems that might resolve any of the issues. Despite the original fish bullying the new one, there is minimal damage to the fins but over time I'm sure it'd do some damage.
We have the 75 gallon all set up. The two leaf fish are doing much better already - I think. What I'm a bit stumped on now is what to fill all the space up with. I have some zebra danios to create some movement and activity on the upper section which I like, and they're only 69 - 99 cents so when the leaf fish get big enough to kill them I won't be devastated. What are some other options? Something that swims around a lot but maybe gets to be about 4" and isn't a fin nipper. I like some barbs, like the green tiger barb but I know they're notorious for fin nipping and I don't want the leaf fish to get bothered.

Oh! And I think we're gonna get some Rams. That should be fine, right? I didn't know there were any friendly cichlids so I was excited to read about them.

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