Lead Pipes


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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We live in a block of flats and today the water company was out doing something outside with the water pipes.  Before they left they put a card through our door saying what they replaced and then checked a box at the bottom saying they have identified the water service pipe as being made of lead.

I did the obvious thing of calling the number on the card and being routed through 4 people before I was told they don't know what this card means!  I am overdue to change my fish tanks so I have not done it today regardless of the card also saying just to run the tap for a moment before using the water because... well lead!  I know nothing good about it!

Can someone give me any information, more than my fish's health I am worried about ours and my children's health! I have gone out and stocked up on a lot of bottled water to drink.

I also took photos of the card and sent them to my landlord whose opinion is if it was a problem they'd have mentioned it and fixed it (they did mention it, the card... and no they'd not fix it if the pipe belongs to the property and not them!)
The word "Plumbing" comes from "Plumbum" in latin which means "lead", because at that time, all plumbing was in fact lead. It needs replacing eventually, but not to loose sleep over it.
I was under the impression that lead water pipes were no longer used in newer houses as lead can lead to all sorts of health problems especially in children under 6 leading to mental health problems? small traces over time can work its way into the water.... if I was you I would call your council and ask them to investigate or ask the people on the card to put you through to someone who does know what the card means.
*reading your post agsin, have they changed a pipe that was made out of lead?
The water boards have been slowly hunting down and replacing lead pipes for a while now. Most of them are done, but not all of them are clearly documented as being lead, so they still find them occasionally when doing other work and replace what they find.
As said, there are a few older houses that still have lead pipes after the water board's section. There's quite a good leaflet that the powers that be produce. http://dwi.defra.gov.uk/consumers/advice-leaflets/lead.pdf
I have no idea if what they removed is lead and residue is left or if they discovered the pipes that belong to the property and attach to the water company pipes are lead.  I am still waiting on a call back to tell me what on earth the letter means.

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