Lazy Day Or Other Problem?


Mostly New Member
Aug 8, 2013
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Hi, I have had my 60l tank for 9 days. Used Interpet New Aquarium startup to cycle and on day 7 bought a male and (pregnant) female guppy and a male and female platy. They seem to be ok but today they are a lot less active and are spending a lot of time swimming in place (at various levels in the tank). Are they just being lazy and resting? I tested the nitrites and the test was clear. I keep the tank at 26C. Is this normal? Are they just over the excitement of moving it? Thanks.
did you cycle the tank?
exact water parameters?
guppies and platies all livebearers need a 2 to 1 female to male ratio so maybe the females are stressed and hidding at the bottom
Hi, yes the tank was cycled for a week. The female platy has been chased a lot and she's currently hiding right at the top behind the filter so you may be right, and it could be stress.
An ammonia test would be very useful.

Their behaviour doesn't sound normal, and I doubt very much if the startup stuff works.

I would do a large (75 or 80%) water change, making sure the new water is temperature matched and dechlorinated, of course, and see if they look better.
The tank is planted and ph is 7.5. I don't have an ammonia test, will go and buy one today.
If your nitrite is clear, then I would say that you have a large ammonia reading. A lot of these "Instant Cycle" products don't work wonderfully well (some would say "at all"). As Fluttermoth says, give it a huge water change, and I reckon they'll be better, but note it will only be a temporary respite. You will need to keep doing these sorts of changes whilst the bacteria catch up with you.
Have a read of the blue link in my signature area, it'll help you a lot with your background understanding.
(Silly TLM, he means the green link.)
Just did ammonia test and it's showing clear. I did a 20% water change before I went out and they perked up a bit. I think maybe I'm panicking just because I don't know their normal activity levels yet.
I bought one more female platy and one female guppy and they all perked up and are acting normal now. Maybe they were just relaxing after a busy night. Lol!
It is extremely likely that your tank isn't cycled though, so test for ammonia and nitrite every day, and be prepared to do large water changes if you see any amount of either of them
Thank you, I will be extra vigilant (not that I can tear myself away from them for long!) I'm ridiculously attached to these fish already!

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