Large Weather Loach With Dodgy Looking Nose...

Mar 28, 2013
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One of my cold water Weather Loaches has, what looks like a sore on the end of his nose.
I've got 4 other smaller ones and have recently lost the other large one which was ok the night before and then in the morning, was floating with one side of his face totally white.
The large remaining one has had this sore for a couple of weeks now and I've treated the water with tonic etc but it's still there.
I can't remember whether the other larger one that died had the same mark but i don't think it did.
It might have been that he's banged it when he's been shooting around the tank or suchlike but I'm still a little worried that i might lose him.
He's around 7" and rather girthy and i don't want to lose the Big Man!!
Anybody had the same problem?
P.S...Can't upload a picture as It's too large.
190L tank.
3 small W/L
1 black moor
1 ranchu
1 telescope
1 ryukin
2 Hong Kong plecos
Aqua One 1000 plus Tetratec 1000.
Not overstocked...filtration is fine...water is spot on...Just hope he's ok!
Yeah no idea what could be causing the illness, hope he pulls through!
Try uploading the photo to somewhere like Imageshack and then using an embedding link to put the photo directly in a thread post. ;)
Can't say I have any idea what now is going on. I have a single Weather Loach left from my old group of 8, I rehomed the others, but this one was unhealthy at the time (bad co-ordination, spiralling). "He" is still not in perfect, but is far better than he was, albeit he had to spend some time in a QT after being nipped badly around his barbels a few months back. I now really need to find someone to adopt him, who has a roomy heaterless tank with soft sand, with an exisiting group of Weather Loaches.
Or just resize the picture or decrease the quality slightly, for injured/"dodgy" fish problems a picture can be worth 1000 words.

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