Large Red Spot Severum not eating


New Member
May 27, 2017
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Hi All
I have a Juwel Trigon 190 tank with the following inmates
8 Gold Barbs
7 Clown loaches
1 Red Tail Shark
2 Orinoco Plecos
1 Angel
1 Large Red Spot Severum (about 6" long)
Over the past two weeks, possibly a little longer, my Red Spot Severum has not been eating. His droppings are white. He did have some fungus, which was treated with Esha 2000 and has cleared up. While I was treating the tank he showed no interest in eating. Now he is showing signs of wanting to eat but what ever he eats he immediately spits it out again. He will do this several times and then seems to give up. It is almost as if he cant swallow the food. I tried some frozen Bloodworm, which he went for immediately but as soon as he had eaten it he spat it out. I watched him eat one bloodworm and then spit it out.
I have no idea as to what age he is as he came with a secondhand tank i bought a couple of years ago.
Normally he is a very 'greedy' eater, eating everything in sight.
My water parameters are
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10/15
pH 7
I currently have two filters running in the tank with the idea of removing the internal one eventually.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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