You can make your own. Per 5 gallons/20 litres
* 1 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate -- i.e., carbonate hardness)
* 1 tablespoon Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate -- i.e., general hardness)
* 1 teaspoon marine salt mix (sodium chloride + various mineral salts and trace elements -- also adds a bit to both kinds of hardness)
This recipe isn't mine, though I've often used it. The first place I saw it online was The Krib, I think. In any case, it's been around for years and years and works very well. You will need to try out one batch yourself, then use pH, general hardness and carbonate hardness to check what you get is what you need. Make changes to each of the ingredients as required.
The proportions here are about for adding to RO or soft water. You wouldn't need so much if your water was already moderately hard. Similarly, if your water has high general hardness but low carbonate hardness, you might reduce (or even skip) the Epsom salt while using the full baking soda amount.
You can buy all these things inexpensively, meaning water changes cost pennies per gallon.
Cheers, Neale
I add Seachems Lake Salts to my x-change water for my tang set up ,is there an alternative product other tang keepers use?,and as I add epsom salts and S.Bicarb to the x-change water are commercial lake salts really needed?