Labyrinth Disease


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
State of Fear
I don't have gouramis myself, but not so long ago in a pet shop (It's a really bad one anyway!) I saw a really nasty disease of some sort on their dwarf gouramis. It was apparently attacking only the labyrinth organ on the fish, and had turned the organ into a massive, gaping, sore just behind the fish's head. It didn't look like something the fish would be able to recover from very easily, if at all. I alerted the sales person, but I doubted that they would do anything. Anyway, ever since then, I've been wondering about the identity of this disease and what it is caused by.
It's a mystery Never. I've lost 2 gouramis to the same thing and I've seen many here come down with it. IME it formed a huge open sore right above the labyrinth organ and when the fish would take surface would go right out the hole :(

I've searched for hours trying to find an answer for everybody.Is it a bacteria,is it a parasite....what is it?

All I've found that is remotely similar is A.Invadens
I couldn't find anything either. :/

Could it have been Hole-in-the-head?
Can Pearls get that?

I also thought TB, but that would be more lesions than a hole, right? :dunno:

Did they appear to be well fed? Were their stomachs sunken or indented? :dunno:
Could it have been Hole-in-the-head?

HITH only affects cichlids and perches. All i really know about this disease is it kills off the lemme in the labryth, slowly killing the fish.

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