L25 Or L24- Still Available?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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Are the above two plecs still available to buy? Been a few years since I kept fresh but I recall them appearing again in small sizes just as I was leaving freshwater fish.
I'd love another when I set up again?
L25 Scarlet pleco, really stunning, I love the orange markings on these :nod:
But as for availability, I really do not know to be honest, I had heard of a member getting one of these a year or two ago and thats hw I had heard of these plecos.
Depends if you're UK or USA based, be more available in USA I would have thought tbh.
  • just done a bit more digging and they seem to have come down in price, the larger examples I have seen for sale going for £150 to £200 when about 5 years ago theyd have gone for £400 plus
They are definitely still available, the L25s are starting to be captive bred as well, i have a 10" 7 pointer in my tank and he is truly stunning. He was only 275 USD at 10"
The L24s are usually cheaper than the L25s though.
Have you got a pic? I'd like an L24 more, I've had a couple of L25s over the years but not an L24
I dont have any photos of the L24 unfortunately because ive never had one haha 
The L24s are a more greyish color and i prefer the black and red so thats why I lean towards the L25.
a pic of the L25 I meant :)

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