Kuhlis And Cories


Mostly New Member
Apr 30, 2015
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I have a cycled 36 gallon and was wondering how many kuhlis and cories I could put in without over crowding. I'm fine with keeping just one species. I know they like groups. I currently have 2 black kuhlis (I plan to add at least 3 more) and 2 guppies. I plan to add 2 Angels (I'll move the guppies to my 10 gallon at that point).
So having said all that, how many kuhlis and cories could be kept together?

Also, will banded and black kuhlis feel comfortable and hang out together? Or are they better with their own kind?
I would not put the angelfish in this tank. It will be too small for them longterm. 
Assuming this is a standard 36 gallon and not a bowfront, it's got a 3 foot by 12 inch footprint, right? You could do a decent school of both species, I should think, depending on what species of corydoras you get. I'd go for about ten of each (or more if you go for the "pygmy" species of cory like hastatus, habrosus, pygmaeus, or panda).
I think banded and black kuhlis have similar water parameters, but you need a school of each. Make sure you have sand in this tank. 
Thanks for the advice! I do have sand as a substrate. it's a 36 gallon bowfront. I read other places that angelfish do fine 30 gallon or more.
They get very large. Six inches tall and they get territorial. They need larger spaces.

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