Kuhli Questions


Fish Addict
Aug 29, 2013
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So, I recently got 3 kuhlis, I know I need more and will get more when they have some in stock. I have a few questions because I thought I knew about them but I guess I dont.
1- I have a 15g tank with a betta and 2 mystery snails, base dimensions are 12 inches x 24 inches. Could I have 8 kuhlis?
2- I got them today and they are glass surfing, I put 2 PVC pipes in there and am boiling the water to clean rocks with, but why are they surfing?
3- 1 buried under gravel, I can see his tail but Im worried, should I get him out?
4- They are black kuhlis, but are a super light brown, and thats also worrying me. They were darker in the store, will their color return?
IMO a 15 gallon is fine for 8 kulhis, ninj might be able to answer that better because she owns them.
Glass surfing is most likely because its a new home and they are stressed same with the one in the sand, best to leave them be for awhile. 
Black kuhlis is just a name, their colors very on the black/brown area, also they may be discolored from stress of moving, lots of fish can "change" color, meaning they just get paler when stressed or mating or just being themselves like my nandus nandus do.
15gallon? I don't think 8 killis are appropriate I think you should go with 6
Usually snails are pests I think you should get a fish that eat snails
The killis will get colors overtime.
Killis are very delicate fish so I recommend no plastic plants (if you have any)

Killis -Kuhli
You could put 8 in there I reckon. I would urge you to consider switching sand. You will see them much more often with sand than without. Also, add them a few at a time to avoid an ammonia spike.
Most fish will pale off after being moved and netted etc.
khuli do sit around a lot, do not get them if you want a fish that will be swimming all the time. He's probably just napping under the gravel. They are only moving about 20-30% of the time and probably only 2-10% of the day are actively swimming around.
Surfing is quite common and they can do this when they're scared, happy, looking to breed. The dances are difficult to interpret lol. They can mean many things. If you recently introduced them he's probably a tad freaked out. :)
I would do just 6 and agree that they would appreciate sand. I had them on gravel and they mainly just came out during feeding time (although this can differ fish to fish) and when I switched to sand they started coming out more :)
I don't think you need to worry about the glass surfing, it is very common especially when first introducing fish.
And of course they do go pale when being moved and getting stressed. Mine go pale just when we're doing a water change. Glad they're starting to color back up!
Mystery snails are not pests and you should never get a fish to get rid of snails..you can get rid of them just fine by picking out yourself, smashing them against the glass, putting food in at night (such as lettuce or cucumber) and throwing away in the morning..and there are snail traps which I don't know how to make.
Goggy said:
15gallon? I don't think 8 killis are appropriate I think you should go with 6
Usually snails are pests I think you should get a fish that eat snails
The killis will get colors overtime.
Killis are very delicate fish so I recommend no plastic plants (if you have any)

Killis -Kuhli
Its okay, I do have pest snails, but I also have a big blue mystery snail, and now my tiny gold mystery snail. I only have live plants :)
Ninjouzata said:
I would do just 6 and agree that they would appreciate sand. I had them on gravel and they mainly just came out during feeding time (although this can differ fish to fish) and when I switched to sand they started coming out more

I don't think you need to worry about the glass surfing, it is very common especially when first introducing fish.
And of course they do go pale when being moved and getting stressed. Mine go pale just when we're doing a water change. Glad they're starting to color back up!
Mystery snails are not pests and you should never get a fish to get rid of snails..you can get rid of them just fine by picking out yourself, smashing them against the glass, putting food in at night (such as lettuce or cucumber) and throwing away in the morning..and there are snail traps which I don't know how to make.
How long do yours take to color up during a water change? They are still very pale. And I could switch to sand when I have the money, but it would cost about $40 and I dont have that money ATM.
TallTree01 said:
You could put 8 in there I reckon. I would urge you to consider switching sand. You will see them much more often with sand than without. Also, add them a few at a time to avoid an ammonia spike.
Most fish will pale off after being moved and netted etc.
khuli do sit around a lot, do not get them if you want a fish that will be swimming all the time. He's probably just napping under the gravel. They are only moving about 20-30% of the time and probably only 2-10% of the day are actively swimming around.
Surfing is quite common and they can do this when they're scared, happy, looking to breed. The dances are difficult to interpret lol. They can mean many things. If you recently introduced them he's probably a tad freaked out.
Yeah, since they only had 3 today I will go back in a few weeks and get three more.
Thanks guys!
Mine usually are fine after 30 mins, if that. But that is 'cause they're used to the tank, they just don't like water changes. I imagine it can take longer for yours since they're just settling in :)

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