I Have a 30G tank with 6 Cories, 1 rubber lip Pleco, 2 African dwarf frogs and 2 black kuhli loaches, I recently added 2 more black kuhli loaches and, the last two I added, hid for about 5 minutes then started turning circles on the front of the glass, I figured it was just from the new environment, but it has been a few days now and they are still doing it. They stop every once in a while to rest or to eat at night. But for the most part they're usually sitting against the front or side of the aquarium turning circles against the glass, Not sure what to do or why they are doing this. My water is at 0,0,10. Everyone else in the tank is happy as can be, Just the two new loaches seem Really unhappy and I can't figure out why, I even rearranged some things to add some new hides for them. Which they will use when they do try and hide but thats only for about a few minutes at a time, a few times a day. Other than that, Its Endless Circles. PLEASE HELP.