Kribensis Breeding Caves


Oct 16, 2013
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My kribensis have spawned 3 times in a PVC tube and once in a vase decoration the thing is I have changed my substrate from gravel to sand and the PVC pipe does not look good in the tank as I was going for a natural looking tank. The sand and rocks are light in colour and the pipes are black so stand out. I tried covering pipes in sand and does not make them look any better. So I want to know what you guys use as spawning caves for your kribensis and if you have any ideas, also how many caves do you have in your tanks from them to chose from. From tom
I use coconut shells, or you can buy the little cichlid stone caves, I have something similar.  Or get yourself a nice piece of driftwood with plenty of room underneath
Thanks for the suggestions might make a cave from rocks or wood to give it the more natural look.
yup you can find some nice flat rocks and stack them up in a cave like structure, but make sure they're on the bottom of the tank (under your substrate) so they don't slip, or  leaning against the glass.  I have a stack in my community tank.
Do you mind showing me a picture of your cave structure as I thought i could put 2 rocks at the bottom and then stick one on top and then that's that from Tom
My kribs ten to favour a large rock with three wide holes drilled in it, it does the same thing as pvc and looks really nice, although somewhat pricey. Another thing you could try is just getting a flat rock and making an overhang over an indentation in the substrate (works well on gravel, not sure about sand tho), additionally you could just get a nice piece of driftwood and lay it in there or just go for the standard rock pile. 
- Hope this helped
- Rockdon 
That does help I'm thinking of making a rock cave or something like that and if I can't do that I might just get half a coconut and if worst comes to worst I will have to put the PVC pipes In but hide them from view from Tom
You can cover PVC pipe with sealant and then cover with same sand, makes it look more natural that way.
What sealant can you use in an aquarium and do I have to use dry sand when putting the sand on the tube and how long should I wait for it to dry. Also could I just see if I could cover the tube up in sand to hide it or does the sand get moved off from Tom
Use any made for aquarium sealant should be ok.
For example
Dry sand thats the same as your substrate would work best.
And sealant can act as an adhesive so sand would stay on indefinitely, you can use superglue as long as 100% cyanoacrylate but very quick to dry though so sealant would be easier.
Think sealants usually takes 24 or 48 hours to cure before safe to put in tanks.
Thank you for that and so I don't need to wash the sand before I attach it to the pipe.
Always best to wash anything, be it plants, decor, substrate, thermometer, heater etc etc (apart from washing livestock obviously! Can just imagine this 
)  before adding into tanks. 
So I'd say yes, do wash the sand substrate before putting on PVC to be on safe side.
Ok thanks and I will give the tube ago because as they are use to breeding in a tube I don't want to unless I have to take it out and replace with a pot or a coconut. If I did need to change it to a coconut or pot do you think this would have an affect on the way that the kribensis breed. Would it give them a better chance of having fry as I can't see into it and they would feel more secure from Tom
eeeep, just wanted to share with you my kribs are spawning right now.  I love my fishies!

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