kinds of lights


Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2002
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i have a 3ft tank w/an 18" flore light bulb,i have off white and white sand mixed w/crushed sea shells i also have 2 small pcs of white lava rock in the middle of the tank and except for the ends of the tank(left side and right side)everything else is now turning this nasty yellow color- it almost looks like it's being burned,some spots are even turning brownish/black :crazy:
anyway i'm guessing it's the kind of light bulb i'm using so are there any good light bulbs that won't do this and maybe give off a better color?


Its possibly the light, but i wouldnt think so, do u have any bog wood in the tank ? that will leach tannis into the water giving it a brown tint. Try moveing the light to the left and right side, i think u'll see that the water is all the same colour, but the light is just showing it up better under the light

The brown/black stuff is almost certainly alge, due to the low light levels!

With the 18 inch bulbs, There is usually a limited range to choose from. Try to get something close to 6500k. This will move you out of the yellow spectrum to a degree.

Then again, Sir Stickle may have a point about cloudy water.
I don't believe Most has any bog/driftwood in this tank.

If I am correct it is his Tanganyikan tank.
yeah CM it's the tang tank,i don't know what this stuff is but it's ugly:crazy:
i'm gonna look into other bulbs and see if anything changes.why are they so expensive :angry: :angry:

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