Keyhole Cichilds

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Feb 21, 2012
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Hi All
I have 3 keyholes which I have for a few months now and are roughly 3 inches long , 2 keyholes over the last few days have started to get white tip on there tails at the top, I thought at first it could be fungus or they singed it on the heater but now looking at some pics of grown keyholes some have this white tip and also there dorsal fins have changed slighly which is getting longer and slimmer over there tails.
The 3rd keyhole has not got this so ever slightly younger or could be dif sex really not sure?
Also today 1 pos female was next to a stone and was shimming next to it then possible male went over same place and done the same thing meanwhile the other pos male kept out of the way till they had finished.
Does this sound like I could have 2 males and 1 female as really not sure ? also what is the chance of keeping both males with the 1 female as attached to all 3 as they were only about 1 inch big maybe slighly more when I bought them.
There is 3 caves and other hiding places also lots of plants in tank for them . also if this is the case would it be better if I can get another female to even out?
Sorry for the war and peace
My male has the white tip and the fin extension on his dorsal fin you mentioned, so nothing to worry about there :) It does sound as though you have 2m and 1 f, yes, I'd keep an eye on them and if she pairs up with one, just keep an eye on them that they don't bully the 3rd. Not sure if it would be a good idea to add a 2nd female, hopefully someone with more experience of keeping multiple pairs together will be able to answer :)
I had 2 females and 1 male together no problems, the male only spawned with one of the females., Its sounds like you have a lot of hiding places, which would be fine for the non paired male to hide should the other two spawn. I have had keyholes spawn in a comunity tank (other dwarf cichlids) and they were great parents and not overly aggressive, the best thing is to just keep a careful check on them if they pair up and have a spare tank available if possible, just in case you need to move the spare male. The trouble with cichlids just because mine were ok together isnt a guarantee another trio would be ok as they have their own personalities :)
Hi cheers for replys will keep an eye on them , at mo they each have there own cave to go in at night but always together when out an about
Can I resurrect this thread please? I'm planning ahead here so just asking a few questions on Keyholes, at the moment one of my tanks is a corner 360L, I am working on setting up another tank to house the fish that are already in it but my plan is to have Keyholes in this tank once I rehouse the others fish.

So to my questions, In that size tank is it best just to have a pair or more?
Are they shy and do they prefer dither fish?
If they prefer Dither fish then what type and is it best to introduce those first?

My water is soft with a PH-7 so from what I've read that is fine.
I also read they can grow to 5" which is about the size I want, I don't want anything that will grow too big for the tank.

Keyholes are rather shy but lovely fish, some dithers would be good for them I had rummy nose in with mine for a while, made him more confident :) You would be find with a pair in a 360, loads of room for them :)

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