My male kerb is been really protective of my castle won't let no other fish swim by it with our chasing them of whist the female stas inside, is that due to their breeding or something else, this is the first I have seen of this behaviour
yes defo 100% breeding. i had a pair breeding in my tank bear in mind i have a massive tank and well over 25 fish in there the male krib bullyed everything and anything and took over half my tank. in the end i had to get rid of the female and male has now calmed down all eggs eaten. also problem with baby kribs is when they get a bit bigger they will all fight to be partnered up not good.
you already started a thread on this yesterday - why the need for another one?
also, this is an Old World cichlid question (where I moved your last post to)
topic was only a day old, give people a bit more time to respond.
Posting in the specific sub-forums is usually the best way to get the most accurate advice. It also helps to build those sub-forums. The more activity in them - the better and faster the responses.