Keeping Frogs.


New Member
Nov 6, 2007
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I have just caught a common frog from the garden (im in the uk by the way) and have put him in our aquarium with the 6 minows we have. Its set up for my son so he can watch our native species as I think we have some really fascinating animals that just arent appreciated.
Anyway, i did some reading around before hand, and couldnt find much info about whether these guys have specific lighting needs. Now, he's not going to be a permanent resident, but I would like to make sure he is comfortable whilst he is with us.
what do you mean by common frog? bullfrog? then need 75 land or 50 land.
ncguppy830 said:
what do you mean by common frog? bullfrog? then need 75 land or 50 land.
no, we dont get bull frogs here in the UK. What I have is a Rana temporaria. He has at least 50% land in the form of a turtle dock.
ncguppy830 said:
how big is the tank, True frogs need space.
its a 110l tank, so not the biggest but he's just a small guy.
really too small, they shouldnt be kept in captivity because they can jump high and bump there head which well all know what could happen after that.
thanks for the input, like i said though, he isnt going to be a permanent resident, its just so my son can view him for a bit. i'll release him in a few days. 
If you are only going to keep him for a few days then I would not worry about the lighting needs, bearing in mind common frogs need live food such as worms/slugs/beetles etc which are not really do able in a large tank with minnows as they will just fall in the water and drown, a better tank would be mainly land based with damp soil/plants/grass and a small water container for short term viewing, as I am sure you are aware the frog will be far happier and better released back into the wild asap.

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