Keeping Discus ? Some Questions


Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2011
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hello well my dad has just got himself a breeding pair of discus for £150.00 today :) which i have fell in love with i have done some reading online and people have said i can keep a pair in my 29gal and they breed theres in 29gals too ?

but the thing that gets me is about the RO water changes im about 25mins away from a shop that sells the RO water but my tap water is 6.6ph and soft would this be ok to use or is there a specific reason i have to use RO water ? i will do the large water changes if need be this is no bother to me.

Discus are extremely hard to breed. But it is a greatly rewarding experience. Discus can breed in a 29 gallon but they can only stay in one for a little more than two months tops. So you will need a fifty five gallon or bigger for the pair when they are not breeding. As for the ro water, it is a must if you plan on breeding discus.
Discus are extremely hard to breed. But it is a greatly rewarding experience. Discus can breed in a 29 gallon but they can only stay in one for a little more than two months tops. So you will need a fifty five gallon or bigger for the pair when they are not breeding. As for the ro water, it is a must if you plan on breeding discus.

ok mate thanks :)

seen alot of 29gal discus tanks on youtube was bit confused :S

what about this :S ?
Bigger tank would be better - as Mark says just short term for breeding purposes.

It all depends upon the quality of your tap water - mine has all kinds of junk in it so I use RO
You might be able to get away with tap water if you are lucky enough to have perfect tap. But ro would help alot. Just make sure that you do lots of water changes if you do try to breed them. Good luck
Discus are extremely hard to breed. But it is a greatly rewarding experience. Discus can breed in a 29 gallon but they can only stay in one for a little more than two months tops. So you will need a fifty five gallon or bigger for the pair when they are not breeding. As for the ro water, it is a must if you plan on breeding discus.

What do you add to your RO water?
I add "discus essentials" and i also add lots of ferts for my plants.

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