Juwel Trigon 190 V Fluval Vicenzia 190


Jul 16, 2013
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Hi all.
Ok I am going to buy a corner aquarium in next few days . Reason it has to be a corner 190l approx is because its the only room I've got. However I'm well and truly stuck between juwel trigon 190 and fluval Vicenzia 190. Both same size,shape and around same price. So around £550 for tank + stand with t5 lighting, 200w heater some gravel and background. But juwel has the filter in tank at the back and the heater hides in with it. Where as the fluval has an external filter.

Filter winner fluval

I hear juwel is a much better quality aquarium and stand than the Vicenzia, which I hear reports of a lot of leaks.

Quality winner juwel

The aquarium has to be in black and so far haven't found fluval Vicenzia in black

Colour winner juwel

Fluval I think has some controls on top that I have no idea what they do? But looks handy.

Please help guys. Don't want to spend a lot of money and make a mistake.

By the way it's for fresh water fish/tropical
I would personally go for the Juwel.
If the filter isn't very good, you could always swap it out for an external.
Just my opinion but if you prefer the Fluval then go for it. :)
The controls on the Fluval are timer controls for the T5 lighting system (don't know what lights come with the Jewel) and yes the Venezia which is the corner unit and the Vicenza being the Bow fronted model are only available in Light Oak (ordering the wrong model would have been your biggest mistake)  :). Personally could see little difference in build quality between the two manufacturers when I was searching for a new tank

I've seen two sellers for the juwel.
One sells with 2 x 28w High Lite Day tube
The other with 1 x 28w high lite nature and 1 x 28w High Lite Day tube

What would be better?

Also the first comes with 100w heater the second with 200w

Yes that would have been a mistake.
If it dosent come in black then it will have to be juwel, I really do like the fluval having the holes in the bottom for the external filter.
baker360360 said:
The other with 1 x 28w high lite nature and 1 x 28w High Lite Day tube
This one would be the best IMO.
baker360360 said:
Also the first comes with 100w heater the second with 200w
You will need a 200W heater for this size, however, you could have two 100W heaters. In some ways, having two 100W is better because if one suddenly fails, you still have one to keep your tank warmish.
Juwel all the way! As an owner of a Juwel Vision 260 and a Fluval Roma 200, quality wise the Juwel blows the Fluval out the water :)
ordered the juwel trigon 190 today. cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

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