Juwel Internal Filter Box Coming Loose


Fish Addict
Aug 6, 2012
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The suckers on my juwel filter just aren't sticking and it's that time of year when you might pull the heater out for a little adjustment, and when I do, it pulls the whole blooming juwel filter box out! Any solutions? Don't really want to silicone it in. Does anyone put rocks in the botton to weigh it down?
As it doesn't sir on the bottom of the tank putting rocks in would sink it. You can use superglue to fix it back on if you don't want to use silicone. Superglue reacts with moisture to set so drain the tank down as much as you can, add the superglue and prop the filter box in place to set. As soon as it stops moving and you can remove the props you can fill the tank back up.

Using superglue means youbwont be able to remove the box without huge problems so I would suggest silicone.
I see. Mine definately sits on the bottom, as there is no clearance above between it, and the flourecent tubes. That is why it's a real pain as when it lifts off the bottom, all the gravel spills under it, generally causing me to swear somewhat.
What Juwel tank is it? Every one I've come across has a gap under the filter box as it's a sealed unit so designed to be suspended slightly.
I think it's juwel 240. Not entirely sure, a 4 footer with the big dark brown filter box.
Ah, if it's a Juwel Rio then the filter box does reach the floor (Trigons, Visions, etc. don't) so the only way to attach it with water in would be superglue, otherwise it's silicone.
I changed the 240 filter in my tank as it killed my old fighting fish and nearly killing a danio I kept finding fish in it best thing I did was remove that piece of junk
Oh no Dave - I only just got it. I keep Tetras which can jump, but I not lost any yet. My water level is 3/4 inch below what it should be as I haven't finished aquascaping.
There is a lid for it mind, which should stop things jumping in it. Mine's not attched, but you made me think about putting the lid on!
I did everything I could with it mate and it killed my fighter and damaged a danios back fin and sucked up 3 others I stil have no idea how they got in it I would replace the filter when u have the money mate the lid on it if u notice as 2 fairly big holes in it witch I blocked and still they got in :S sorry to put a downer on the new tank mate but the filter I detest
I'm going to put the lid on in the morning, it may explain my missing snails. There's only one small hole in my model and I can't see fish finding it.
It's most likely to be an improved model then mate just check your fish a lot for a couple of weeks and count them:p hopefully they changed it. I'm getting the tank again soon once I built a double stand can't wait:p
My Juwel tank glass was scratched to b*ggery, so I've turned it around the other way, I was bidding on like six different ones and forgot who I had emailed with extra questions and who I hadn't; I won the aquarium I didn't ask if it was scratched.
Fortunately they don't look badly scratched when filled with water as the refractive index of water fills the cracks.
Anyhow - apart from that they are lovely tanks, and typically go for £100 with all equipment. Or if you're loaded, just buy a new juwel. ;)
Nah mines second hand also and the other one will be to I paid 160 for mine tho but it only had 1 scratch witch can't be seen unless u really look for it
My mate thought of a simple fix have an algae magnet inside the box the the other one on the glass to secure it

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