Fish Addict
I'm upgrading my tank to a Juwel Lido 120 ltr. It's been ordered and I'm collecting it later this week. The tank comes with a Juwel Bioflow 3.0 filter system. The question I have is regarding the many different types of filter media in it, and how often they should be changed. Here is a picture of the filter, and the different layers of media:
Now, according to Juwel, these different layers all have different purposes and need to be changed routinely, it reminds me of a car service schedule!
So, here's what Juwel say about the different layers, and how often they should be changed, starting at the top and going down in order to the bottom.
Pre-filter wool poly pad (white): The white filter wool acts as a Mechanical pre-filter, Removing large particles of dirt and excess food, which in turn Ensures that the other sponges do jot get clogged - change weekly
Carbon sponge (black): The black activated carbon sponge sits on top of the blue coarse filter sponges, and Removes chemical impurities from the water which cannot be removed biologically. change monthly
Nitrate removal sponge (green): The sponge contains micro-organisms, which will, once developed, reside inside the sponges and in the water. These micro-organisms feed off nitrates and Will reduce them significantly. The Juwel filtration systeof provides the optimum housing for these micro-organisms. change every 2 months
Coarse sponge (blue): The coarse blue filter sponges allow bacteria colonies to develop quickly, Cleaning the water which is now free from chemical impurities. change every 3 months
Cirax (White, inside cage): The highly porous filter material utilises it's extremely large surface area For effective biological cleaning and ensures the highest water quality. change yearly
2 x fine sponges (blue): The fine blue sponges and the bacteria cultures living in them, clean the water of even the smallest impurities. change yearly
So, in your opinion, do you think that these different medias really need changing this regularly? Or is this just a money making thing? Also, what do you think about the nitrate removing sponge? As far as I'm aware, nitrates aren't broken down by bacteria, is this correct?
Edit: thought of another question regarding the carbon sponge. I know that carbon isn't usually used unless you want to remove meds or chemicals from the water. This tank is going to be aquascaped and fully planted using co2 and plant ferts. Will the carbon sponge remove the plant ferts from the water? Obviously it's no good to me if it does and I'll need to replace it with one of the other sponges.
Sorry about the essay! Any comments appreciated
thanks in advance!

Now, according to Juwel, these different layers all have different purposes and need to be changed routinely, it reminds me of a car service schedule!
So, here's what Juwel say about the different layers, and how often they should be changed, starting at the top and going down in order to the bottom.
Pre-filter wool poly pad (white): The white filter wool acts as a Mechanical pre-filter, Removing large particles of dirt and excess food, which in turn Ensures that the other sponges do jot get clogged - change weekly
Carbon sponge (black): The black activated carbon sponge sits on top of the blue coarse filter sponges, and Removes chemical impurities from the water which cannot be removed biologically. change monthly
Nitrate removal sponge (green): The sponge contains micro-organisms, which will, once developed, reside inside the sponges and in the water. These micro-organisms feed off nitrates and Will reduce them significantly. The Juwel filtration systeof provides the optimum housing for these micro-organisms. change every 2 months
Coarse sponge (blue): The coarse blue filter sponges allow bacteria colonies to develop quickly, Cleaning the water which is now free from chemical impurities. change every 3 months
Cirax (White, inside cage): The highly porous filter material utilises it's extremely large surface area For effective biological cleaning and ensures the highest water quality. change yearly
2 x fine sponges (blue): The fine blue sponges and the bacteria cultures living in them, clean the water of even the smallest impurities. change yearly
So, in your opinion, do you think that these different medias really need changing this regularly? Or is this just a money making thing? Also, what do you think about the nitrate removing sponge? As far as I'm aware, nitrates aren't broken down by bacteria, is this correct?
Edit: thought of another question regarding the carbon sponge. I know that carbon isn't usually used unless you want to remove meds or chemicals from the water. This tank is going to be aquascaped and fully planted using co2 and plant ferts. Will the carbon sponge remove the plant ferts from the water? Obviously it's no good to me if it does and I'll need to replace it with one of the other sponges.
Sorry about the essay! Any comments appreciated